Verhulst, T., V. Barta, A. Buzás (2025): Ionosonde radio noise observations for HF absorption monitoring, Session G2b (Ionosphere Variability), COSPAR ISWAT working meeting, 13 February 2025, Cape Canaveral, USA.
Verthulst, T.G.W. (2025): Data availability/quality: challenges on ionosonde data during very intense geomagnetic storms and update of the URSI manual for ionogram scaling, Session G2b-05 (Ionospheric models validation), COSPAR ISWAT working meeting, 11 February 2025, Cape Canaveral, USA.
Verhulst, T., V. Barta, A. Buzás (2024): Ionospheric absorption assessment by cosmic radio noise monitoring using ionosondes, CD1-365, European Space Weather Week, 4–8 November 2024, Coimbra, Portugal.
Barta, V., T. Bozóki, D.P. Süle, D. Kouba, J. Mielich, T.G.W. Verhulst, T. Raita, A. Buzás (2024): Ionospheric absorption monitoring by different ionosonde data, SWR4-p24, European Space Weather Week, 4–8 November 2024, Coimbra, Portugal.
Mošna, Z., V. Barta, K.A. Berényi, J. Mielich, T. Verhulst, D. Kouba, J. Urbář, J. Chum, P. Koucká Knížová, H. Marew, K. Podolská, R. Bojilova (2024): March and April 2023 ionospheric storms in the period of the Solar Cycle 25, SWR4-p60, European Space Weather Week, 4–8 November 2024, Coimbra, Portugal.
Verhulst, T.G.W. and M. Meevius (2024): Simultaneous observations of field aligned structures using ionosonde and LOFAR radio telescope, C0.2-0009-24, COSPAR 45th Scientific Assembly, 13–21 July 2024, Busan, South Korea.
Kauristie, K., Y. Maneva, T. Verhulst, J. De Patoul, D. Sabbagh, P. Bagiacchi, I. Stanislawska, A. Zalizovski, M. Tshisaphungo, H. Haralambous, L. Tomasik, J. O'Hara, and L. Perrone (2023): PECASUS Operational Space Weather Products For HF COM, P03-1109, 19th European Space Weather Week, 20–24 November 2023, Toulouse, France.
Belehaki, A., T.G.W. Verhulst, L. Spogli, C. CEssaroni, D. Altadill, I. Galkin, D. Burešová, S. Mani, S. Unger, V. Barta, and P. Brouard (2023): T-FORS: a project to develop TID forecasting systems. 35th URSI GASS, 19–26 Augustus 2023, Sapporo, Japan.
Sapundjiev, D. (2022): Status of Space Weather Observatory and Services at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. 18th ESWW, 24–28 October 2022, Zagreb, Croatia.
Sapundjiev, D., S.M. Stankov, J.-C. Jodogne (2022): Gamma-ray bursts detection capabilities of a sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID) detector. 27th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 25–29 July 2022, Nijmegem, The Netherlands.
Verhulst, T.G.W., D. Altadill, V. Barta, A. Belehaki, D. Burešová, C. Cesaroni, I. Galkin, M. Guerra, T. Herekakis, A. Ippolito, D. Kouba, J. Mielich, A. Segarra, L. Spogli, I. Tsagouri (2022): Ionospheric disturbances caused by the 2022 Hunga-Tonga volcanic eruption detected over Europe. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16–24 July 2022, Athens, Greece (abstract, presentation (26MB)).
Fuller, N., C. Blanchard, N. Amarouche, G. Degret, M. Ortiz, R. Briend, I. Fernandez, S. Musset, K.L. Klein, D. Sapundjiev (2022): Recent maintenance operations on French neutron monitors and ongoing. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16–24 July 2022, Athens, Greece.
Gul, B., T. Verhulst, M. Ayyaz Ameen (2022): Correlation between foEs and zonal winds over mid-latitude stations using Horizontal Wind Model (HWM14) during solar cycle 23–24. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16–24 July 2022, Athens, Greece (abstract, presentation).
Verhulst, T.G.W., D. Altadill, V. Barta, A. Belehaki, D. Burešová, C. Cesaroni, I. Galkin, M. Guerra, T. Herekakis, A. Ippolito, D. Kouba, J. Mielich, A. Segarra, L. Spogli, I. Tsagouri (2022): Ionospheric disturbances in Europe caused by the 2022 Hunga-Tonga volcanic eruption. 8th IAGA/ICMA/SCOSTEP Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, 11 – 15 July, 2022, Sopron, Hungary (abstract, presentation (36MB)).
Verhulst, T.G.W., D. Altadill, V. Barta, A. Belehaki, D. Burešová, C. Cesaroni, I. Galkin, M. Guerra, T. Herekakis, A. Ippolito, D. Kouba, J. Mielich, A. Segarra, L. Spogli, I. Tsagouri (2022): Multi-instrument detection in Europe of ionospheric disturbances caused by the 15 January 2022 eruption of the Hunga volcano. URSI AT-AP-RASC, 29 May – 4 June, 2022, Gran Canaria, Spain (abstract, presentation (32MB)).
Verhulst, T.G.W., D. Sapundjiev, S. Stankov (2022): ARTIST-5 automatic scaling of quick-run DPS-4D ionograms. URSI AT-AP-RASC, 29 May – 4 June, 2022, Gran Canaria, Spain (abstract, presentation).
Kauristie, K., J. Andries, P. Beck, J. Berdermann, D. Berghmans, C. Cesaroni, E. De Donder, J. De Patoul, M. Dierckxsens, E. Doornbos, M. Gibbs, K. Hammond, H. Haralambous, A.-M. Harri, E. Henley, M. Kriegel, T. Laitinen, M. Latocha, Y. Maneva, K. Österberg, L. Perrone, E. Pica, L. Rodriguez, V. Romano, D. Sabbagh, L. Spogli, I. Staniwlawka, L. Tomasik, M. Tsisaphungo, K. van Dam, B. van den Oort, P. Valommel, T. Verhulst, V. Wilken, A. Zalizovskyy (2022): ICAO space weather advisories: Experiences gathered by the PECASUS service. URSI AT-AP-RASC, 29 May – 4 June, 2022, Gran Canaria, Spain (abstract).
Stankov, S., T.G.W. Verhulst, D. Sapundjiev (2021): On the quality of automatic scaling of digital ionograms: DPS-4D/ARTIST-5 performance at a mid-latitude location. URSI General Assembly (URSI-GASS), 28 August – 4 September 2021, Rome, Italy. ABS No. URSIGASS2021-Mo-G01-PM3-3. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov (2021): Space Weather Event Signatures From Ionosonde Observations. CPAESS Space Weather Workshop, 20–22 April 2021, vitual meeting.
Sapundjiev, D., S.M. Stankov (2020): Comparison between the observed and the computer modeled neutron monitor count rates. NMDB@Home: Virtual symposium on cosmic ray studies with neutron detectors, 13–17 July 2020, vitual meeting.
Borries, C., A. Belehaki, I. Tsagouri, I. Galkin, J. Sanz, M. Juan, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, J. Mielich, T. Verhulst, S. Stankov, H. Haralambous, A. Segarra, E. Blanch (2019): Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances studied in the EU H2020 TechTIDE project. International Workshop on GNSS Ionosphere (IWGI2019), 23–25 September 2019, Neusterlitz, Germany.
Verhulst, T.G.W. (2019): Science and engineering of sensing TIDs with Digisondes. XV International GIRO Forum, 21–24 May 2019, Lowell, USA. (download)
Belehaki, A., I. Galkin, C. Borries, P. Pintor, D. Altadill, J. Sanz, J.M. Juan, D. Buresova, T. Verhulst, J. Mielich, Z. Katamzi-Josepg, J. Watermann, H. Haralambous, S. Unger (2019): TechTIDE: Warning and Mitigation Technologies for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Effects. 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), 9–15 March 2019, New Delhi, India, doi:10.23919/URSIAP-RASC.2019.8738350.
Verhulst, T.G.W. (2018): New opportunities for ionospheric research and applications made possible by modern ionosondes. 2nd OIC Workshop on Geomagnetism and Ionosphere, 10–17 November 2018, Sonmiani, Pakistan. (abstract)
Altadill, D., E. Blanch, J.M. Juan, V. Paznukhov, A. Belehaki, I. Galkin, D. Buresova, T. Verhulst, J. Sanz (2018): Characterization of large scale TIDs by analysis of classical ionospheric data in European region. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14–22 July 2018, Pasadena, USA, ABS No. C1.1-0002-18, doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.25464.49921.
Galkin, I., B. Reinisch, A. Belehaki, C. Borries, D. Altadill, J. Sanz, D. Buresova, T. Verhulst, J. Mielich, Z. Katamzi, H. Haralambous (2018): TechTIDE: Warning and mitigation technologies for travelling ionospheric disturbance effects. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14–22 July 2018, Pasadena, USA, ABS No. C1.1-0027-18.
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2018): The importance of the three-dimensional geometry of solar eclipses for analysis of the impact on the ionosphere. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14–22 July 2018, Pasadena, USA, ABS No. C1.1-0079-18. (download)
Verhulst, T., D. Altadill, I. Galkin, E. Blanch, S. Stankov, B. Reinisch, A. Kozlov, A. Belehaki (2018): Improving signal-to-noise ratio in oblique ionosonde soundings using new hardware capability of the DPS4D ionosonde. Proc. URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC), 28 May – 1 June 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain. (download)
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2018): Ionospheric disturbances due to the 2017 American solar eclipse detected at a European observatory. Proc. URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC), 28 May – 1 June 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain. (download)
Belehaki, A., B. Reinisch, I. Galkin, C. Borries, J. Sanz, M.J. Zornoza, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, J. Mielich, T. Verhulst, S. Stankov, H. Haralambous (2018): HF-based TID nowcast methodology and its validation with GNSS-TEC analysis techniques. Proc. URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC), 28 May – 1 June 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov (2018): Cosmic ray cuttoff rigidity estimations based on the World Magnetic Model. Pres. Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (GOLAGE), 16–20 Apr 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (download)
Belehaki, A., B. Reinisch, I. Galkin, C. Borries, J. Sanz, M.J. Zornoza, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, J. Mielich, T. Verhulst, S. Stankov, H. Haralambous (2018): Comparison of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances characteristics extracted from Digisonde-to-Digisonde operations and GNSS-TEC de-trending and gradient techniques. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol. 20 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 08–13 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU18-12822. (download)
A. Belehaki and TechTIDE Consortium (2018): Detection of travelling ionospheric disturbances in TechTIDE EC H2020 project and perspectives for the development of mitigation strategies. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol. 20 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 08–13 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU18-6408. (download)
Stankov, S., T. Verhulst (2017): On the importance of solar eclipse geometry in the interpretation of ionospheric observations. Pres. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA, ABS No. AGU17-259309, Pres.No.AGU17-SA21B-2513. (download)
Verhulst, T. (2017): Sanity checking of the Frequency-Angular-Sounding (FAS) results. Pres. Net-TIDE Project Final Meeting, 4–6 October 2017, Heraklion, Crete (download)
Verhulst, T. (2017): Digisonde-to-Digisonde (D2D) network operations. Pres. Net-TIDE Project Final Meeting, 4–6 October 2017, Heraklion, Crete (download)
Stankov, S., T. Verhulst (2017): Nowcast of the BeNeLux regional magnetic activity for use in space weather applications. Pres. IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Joint Assembly, 27 Aug – 1 Sep 2017, Cape Town, South Africa. Pres.ID#582 (download)
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2017): Effect of altitude-dependent times of sunrise and sunset in ionospheric modelling. Pres. URSI General Assembly, 19-26 August 2017, Montreal, Canada. Pres.ID#1775 (download)
Altadill, D., E. Blanch, V. Paznukhov, M.J. Zornoza, A. Belehaki, T. Verhulst, I. Galkin, B. Reinisch, D. Buresova, J. Mielich, M. Parkinson, J.S. Subirana (2017): Interferometry method to conventional ionosonde data in support of a pilot network for identification of travelling ionospheric disturbances. Pres. URSI General Assembly, 19–26 August 2017, Montreal, Canada. Pres.ID#1782 (download)
Reinisch, B., I. Galkin, A. Belehaki, V. Paznukhov, X. Huang, J. Mielich, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, T. Verhulst, S. Stankov, E. Blanch, D. Kouba, I. Tsagouri, A. Mouzakis, M. Messerotti, M. Parkinson, M. Ishii (2017): NetTIDE - Pilot Ionosonde Network for Identification of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances. Pres. URSI General Assembly, 19–26 August 2017, Montreal, Canada. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., T. Verhulst, S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne (2017): The Belgian space weather observatory in Dourbes. Pres. IAU Symposium 335 "Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts", 17–21 July 2017, Exeter, UK. Pres.ID#IAU-17-IAUS335-0489 (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne (2017): Past, present and future of the cosmic ray observatory in Dourbes, Belgium. Pres. Workshop on the occasion of the 10-th anniversary of the international Neutron Monitor Database (NMDB), 20–23 Mar 2017, Athens, Greece. (download)
Verhulst, T. (2017): Pilot Network for Identification of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances in Europe. Pres. RMI Conference on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 08 March 2017, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Stankov, S., T. Verhulst, D. Sapundjiev (2016): High-cadence nowcast of a proxy K-type index of the local magnetic activity for improved space weather monitoring applications. Pres. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 12–16 Dec 2016, San Francisco, USA, ABS No. AGU16-IN32A-05. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne (2016): Present status and modernisation of the Dourbes Cosmic Ray Observatory for improved space weather research and forecasting. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 14–18 Nov 2016, Ostende, Belgium. (download)
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2016): Effects of the different times of sunrise at different altitudes in the ionosphere. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 30 Jul - 7 Aug 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, ABS No. 19512. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov, T. Verhulst (2016): Estimation of transmitter and receiver code biases using concurrent GNSS and ionosonde measurements. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 30 Jul – 7 Aug 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, ABS No. 19886. (download)
Altadill, D., V. Paznukhov, T. Verhulst, A. Belehaki, B. Reinisch, I. Galkin, D. Buresova, M. Parkinson, J. Mielich, E. Blanch, S. Stankov, G. Sales, A. Kozlov, R. Hamel (2016): High frequency based detection of TIDs in the Net-TIDE project: Challenges and opportunities for long HF paths. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 30 Jul – 7 Aug 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. (download)
Stankov, S., T. Verhulst, D. Sapundjiev, B. Nava (2016): Intercomparison of LIEDR and NeQuick ionospheric modeling using radio occultation and ionosonde measurements. Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS), 27 Jun – 1 Jul 2016, Trieste, Italy. (download)
Verhulst, T., D. Sapundjiev, S. Stankov (2016): High time resolution TEC and ionosonde observations at Dourbes, Belgium, during the March 2015 solar eclipse. Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS), 27 Jun – 1 Jul 2016, Trieste, Italy. (download)
Stankov, S., T. Verhulst, D. Sapundjiev (2016): On the use of IGS TEC maps for ionospheric storm-time specification: scientific user requirements for modelling and service developments. Pres. International GNSS Service (IGS) Workshop, 8–12 Feb 2016, Sydney, Australia. (download)
Altadill, D., V. Paznukhov, E. Blanch, I. Galkin, T. Verhulst, J. Mielich, A. Belehaki, B. Reinisch, S. Stankov, D. Buresova, M. Francis (2015): Results from D2D skymaps from Belgium to Spain: Challenges and chance to identify TIDs. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 23–27 Nov 2015, Ostende, Belgium. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., C. Steigies, T. Verhulst, J.C. Jodogne, S. Stankov (2015): Upgrading the Dourbes cosmic ray observatory for research and development of improved space weather monitoring services. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 23-27 Nov 2015, Ostende, Belgium. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov (2015): Ionospheric critical frequency prediction service based on digisonde measurements at Dourbes. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 23–27 Nov 2015, Ostende, Belgium. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne (2015): On the optimisation of the construction of a ground-based neutron monitor for galactic cosmic ray monitoring and space weather applications. Proc. International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), 30 July – 6 August 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands. (download)
Belehaki, A., B. Reinisch, I. Galkin, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, M. Francis, J. Mielich, V. Paznukhov, S. Stankov (2015): Pilot network for identification of travelling ionospheric disturbances. Proc. URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC), 18–22 May 2015, Gran Canaria, Spain. (download)
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2015): Ionosonde measurements of dynamic characteristics and inhomogeneities of the ionosphere. Proc. URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (AT-RASC), 18–22 May 2015, Gran Canaria, Spain. (download)
Belehaki, A., B. Reinisch, I. Galkin, D. Altadill, D. Buresova, M. Francis, J. Mielich, V. Paznukhov, S. Stankov (2015): Pilot network for identification of travelling ionospheric disturbances. Proc. International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES), 12–14 May 2015, Alexandria, VA, USA, pp.248–256. (download)
Kotov, D., P. Richards, V. Truhlik, S. Stankov, O. Bogomaz, L. Chernogor, I. Domnin (2015): Plasmasphere refilling rates as deduced from Ukraine incoherent scatter radar data by FLIP simulation for the last solar minimum. Proc. AGU-CGU Joint Assembly, 3-7 May 2015, Montreal, Canada. (download)
Stankov, S. (2014): On the local-time variations of the storm-time TEC at European middle latitudes. Proc. URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 16-23 August 2014, Beijing, China, ISBN: 978-146735225-3, Paper No. 6929745 (doi: 10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6929745). (download)
Verhulst, T., D. Sapundjiev, S. Stankov (2014): The need for local, high resolution, multi instrument monitoring to study complex effects of space weather disturbances on the ionosphere: a study on the events in February 2014. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 02-10 August 2014, Moscow, Russia, ABS No. COSPAR14-C13-16399. (download)
Stankov, S., D. Sapundjiev, T. Verhulst, A. Gonsette, J.C. Jodogne (2014): Long-Term Solar Changes - influence on geomagnetic, cosmic ray and ionospheric parameters. Pres. STCE Workshop on Long-Term Solar Changes, 19 May 2014, Brussels, Belgium.
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne (2013): Monitoring of the cosmic rays intensity at the RMI. Pres. RMI Conference on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 04 Dec 2013, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov (2013): A single-station F-layer critical frequency model from the Dourbes digisonde data. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 18–22 Nov 2013, Antwerp, Belgium. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne (2013): Data analysis of Dourbes neutron monitor data for solar events forecast. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 18–22 Nov 2013, Antwerp, Belgium. (download)
Reinisch, B. (2013): Reliable real-time assessment of the Earth's global ionosphere. Pres. STCE Seminar on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 14 Nov 2013, Royal Observatory, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Verhulst, T., D. Sapundjiev, M. Nemry, S. Stankov (2013): Improving the local ionospheric electron density reconstruction profile. Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium (BSS), 08–12 July 2013, Bath, England. (download)
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2013): On improving the topside ionospheric modelling by selecting an optimal electron density profiler. Proc. International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop "IRI and GNSS", 24–28 June 2013, Olsztyn, Poland. (download)
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2013): The LIEDR model - recent and future improvements. Pres. RMI Conference on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 12 June 2013, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., S. Stankov, T. Verhulst, J.C. Jodogne (2013): Ionospheric and cosmic ray monitoring - recent developments at the RMI. Pres. STCE Workshop on Ionosphere, 14 May 2013, Dourbes, Belgium. (download)
Verhulst, T., S. Stankov (2013): Comparison of topside ionospheric profilers for use in modelling and monitoring applications. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.15 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 07–12 Apr 2013, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU13-4562. (download)
Stankov, S., T. Verhulst, K. Stegen, J.C. Jodogne, G. Crabbe, L. Lejeune, M. Nemry, D. Sapundjiev (2012): Ionospheric sounding at the RMI Geophysical Centre in Dourbes - digital ionosonde performance and ionospheric monitoring service applications. Pres. RMI Conference on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 05 Dec 2012, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Sapundjiev, D., M. Nemry, S. Stankov, S. Spassov, J.C. Jodogne (2012): Cosmic ray intensity measurements at the RMI Geophysical Centre of Dourbes. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 05–09 Nov 2012, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Jodogne, J.C., S. Stankov (2012): Vertical transmission from catenaries. Proc. International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 25 0ct – 04 Nov 2012, Nagoya, Japan, ISSN: 15223965, Paper No. 6394051, pp.1067–1070. (download)
Stankov, S., T. Verhulst, K. Stegen (2012): Evaluation of theoretical ionospheric profilers using topside sounding data. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July 2012, Mysore, India, ABS No. COSPAR12-C11-0107-12. (download)
Stankov, S., K. Stegen, I. Kutiev (2012): Empirical model of the TEC storm-time response in Europe for use in regional ionospheric specification and forecast. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14–22 July 2012, Mysore, India, ABS No. COSPAR12-C11-0100-12. (download)
Stankov, S., P. Marinov, I. Kutiev (2012): Reconstruction of the vertical ionospheric electron density distribution from multi-instrument observation data. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14–22 July 2012, Mysore, India, ABS No. COSPAR12-C02-0016-12. (download)
Jodogne, J.C. (2012): Cosmic Rays and Cloud Cover. Pres. RMI Conference on Cosmic Rays, 18 Apr 2012, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Stankov, S., J.C. Jodogne, S. Spassov (2012): Cosmic Rays - A Review. Pres. RMI Conference on Cosmic Rays, 18 Apr 2012, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Stankov, S. (2011): Geomagnetic indices and their use in operational space weather monitoring services. Pres. STCE Seminar on Geomagnetism, 14 Oct 2011, Royal Observatory, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Cander, L.R. (2011): Ionosphere space weather in action - storms, waves and irregularities. Pres. STCE Seminar on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 16 Sep 2011, Royal Observatory, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Kutiev, I. (2011): Empirical ionospheric modelling and short-term forecasting. Pres. STCE Seminar on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 14 Jul 2011, Royal Observatory, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Stankov, S., K. Stegen, P. Muhtarov, P. Marinov, R. Warnant (2011): On the real time reconstruction of the ionospheric electron density profile based on concurrent measurements from collocated digital ionosonde and GNSS receiver. Proc. Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES), 17-19 May 2011, Alexandria VA USA, Paper No. A043, pp.212-217. (download) (Best Paper Award Certificate)
Warnant, R., M. Lonchay, J. Spits, B. Bidaine, S. Stankov, G. Wautelet (2011): Total Electron Content reconstruction using dual frequency GALILEO (E1/E5a) and modernized GPS (L1/L5) measurements. Proc. Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES), 17-19 May 2011, Alexandria VA USA, Paper No. A056, pp.212-217.
Stankov, S., G. Wautelet, J. Spits, R. Warnant (2011): On the impact of ionospheric variability and disturbances on GNSS-based positioning applications. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.13 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 03-08 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU11-12067. (download)
Warnant, R., S. Lejeune, G. Wautelet, J. Spits, K. Stegen, S. Stankov (2010): The RMI space weather and navigation systems (SWANS) project. Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18-25 July 2010, Bremen, Germany), ABS No. COSPAR10-PSW1-0010. (download)
Stankov, S. (2010): Ionosphere - Main Features Overview. Pres. RMI Seminar on Ionosphere and Space Weather, 22 June 2010, Dourbes, Belgium.
Stankov, S., K. Stegen, R. Warnant (2010): A statistical study of the TEC storm-time response at European middle latitudes for use in ionospheric nowcast and forecast. in: P. Doherty and M. Hernandez-Pajares (Eds.): Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium (IBSS), 7-11 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (download)
Bidaine, B., B. Nava, S. Stankov, R. Warnant (2010): M-Ingestion: simultaneous ingestion of ionosonde and GNSS data into the NeQuick ionospheric model. in: P. Doherty and M. Hernandez-Pajares (Eds.): Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium (IBSS), 7-11 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (download)
Wautelet, G., M. Aquino, S. Lejeune, S. Stankov, R. Warnant (2010): Understanding the occurrence of mid-latitude ionospheric irregularities by using GPS, ionosonde and geomagnetic data. in: P. Doherty and M. Hernandez-Pajares (Eds.): Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium (IBSS), 7-11 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (download)
Warnant, R., M. Lonchay, J. Spits, B. Bidaine, S. Stankov, G. Wautelet (2010): TEC reconstruction using dual frequency modernized GPS (L1/L5) and GALILEO (E1/E5A) measurements. in: P. Doherty and M. Hernandez-Pajares (Eds.): Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium (IBSS), 7-11 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (download)
Spits, J., R. Warnant (2010): Total Electron Content monitoring using triple frequency GNSS: Results with GIOVE-A/-B data. in: P. Doherty, M. Hernandez-Pajares, J.-M. Juan, J. Sanz, A. Aragon-Angel (Eds.), The International Beacon Satellite Symposium (IBSS), 7-11 June 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (download)
Stankov, S., K. Stegen, G. Wautelet, R. Warnant (2010): On the local operational geomagnetic index K calculation. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.12 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 2-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU10-7228. (download)
Wautelet, G., Lejeune, S., Warnant, R. (2010): Monitoring the ionospheric positioning error with a GNSS dense network. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, Abs. No EGU2010-4791 (Proc. EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, 02-07 May 2010). (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, K. Stegen, S. Lejeune, G. Wautelet, J. Spits, H. Brenot (2009): Local ionospheric activity - nowcast and forecast services. Pres. Eurocontrol LATO (Aircraft Landing and Take-Off) Work Group Meeting, 16-18 June 2009, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, R. Kozarev (2009): On the TEC short-term forecast with corrections based on the average ionospheric response to background and storm-time geomagnetic conditions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.11 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU09-13283. (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, K. Stegen (2009): Local ionospheric electron density reconstruction from simultaneous ground-based GNSS and ionosonde measurements. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.11 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU09-10956. (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, K. Stegen (2009): Iono slab monitoring service. Pres. International GBAS Working Group Meeting (IGWG-8), 3-6 Mar 2009, Palermo, Italy.
Warnant, R., S. Lejeune, S. Stankov, K. Stegen, J. Spits, G. Wautelet, B. Bidaine, I. Kutiev (2008): Development of products for GNSS users at the Belgian Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence. International Committee on GNSS Meeting, 8-12 Dec 2008, Pasadena, USA. (download)
Warnant, R., G. Wautelet, S. Lejeune, H. Brenot, J. Spits, S. Stankov, K. Stegen, I. Kutiev (2008): GALILEO Local Component for the detection of atmospheric threats. Proc. European Space Weather Week, 17-21 Nov 2008, Brussels, Belgium. (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, K. Stegen (2008): Ionospheric effects on aviation. Pres. Eurocontrol LATO (Aircraft Landing and Take-Off) Work Group Meeting, 7 Jul 2008, Toulouse, France. (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant (2008): Ionospheric slab thickness: analysis and monitoring applications. Proc. Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES), 13-15 May 2008, Alexandria VA USA, Paper No. A103/1B-5, pp.159-164. (download)
Warnant, R., M. Bavier, H. Brenot, S. Lejeune, J. Spits, S. Stankov, G. Wautelet (2008): GALILEO Local Component for detection of atmospheric threats. Proc. Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES), 13-15 May 2008, Alexandria VA USA, Paper No. A037/3A-8, p.149. (download)
Bidaine, B., R. Warnant (2008): Towards an improved single frequency ionospheric correction: focus on mid-latitudes. Proc. ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC, 10-12 December 2008, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Bidaine, B., R. Warnant (2007): Assessment of the NeQuick Model at Mid-latitudes using GPS TEC and Ionosonde Data. Proc. Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 1-4 October 2007, Toulouse, France.
Spits, J., R. Warnant (2007): Real time TEC monitoring using triple frequency GNSS data: a three step approach. Proc. Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 1-4 October 2007, Toulouse, France.
Jakowski, N., L. Cander, C. Borries, A. Krankowski, J. Mielich, B. Nava, S. Stankov (2007): Large scale ionospheric gradients over Europe observed in October 2003. Ionosphere – Modelling, Forcing, and Telecommunications, pp.44-45, Proc. IRI/COST-296 Workshop, 10-14 July 2007, Prague, Czech Rep. (download)
Jakowski, N., H. Maass, S. Stankov, et al. (2006): SWACI - Space weather service for high precision GNSS positioning. Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 13-17 Nov 2006, Brussels, Belgium, p.83. (download)
Jakowski, N., V. Bothmer, W. Keil, H. Luehr, J. Rueffer, S. Stankov (2006): Recent developments in space weather research and services in Germany. Pres. SWWT Meeting, 29 Jun 2006, ESA, Paris, France. (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski, D. Klaehn, J. Rueffer, B. Huck (2006): On the relation between network RTK performance and ionospheric activity. Pres. European Navigation Conference ENC-GNSS2006, 7-10 May 2006, Manchester, UK. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, V. Wilken, D. Altadill, J. Chum, D. Buresova, J. Boska, R. Bamford, L. Cander, R. Stamper (2006): Ionospheric behaviour over Europe during the solar eclipse of 3 October 2005. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.8 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 2-7 Apr 2006, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU06-A-08560. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, C. Becker (2006): SWACI – A near real time service based on NTRIP technology. in: NTRIP Applications and Utilization (Proc. NTRIP Symposium, 6-7 Feb 2006, German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Frankfurt on Main, Germany), Paper No. NTRIP06-11. (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski, B. Huck (2005): GPS TEC measurements utilized for monitoring recent space weather events and effects in Europe. in: Ionosphere – Positioning and Telecommunication, Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 14-18 Nov 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Trichtchenko, L., A. Zhukov, R. van der Linden, S. Stankov, N. Jakowski, I. Stanislawska, G. Juchnikowski, A. W. Thomson, P. Wilkinson, G. Patterson (2005): November 2004 space weather events - real time observations and forecast. in: Solar Weather - Solar Activity Forecast and Predictions, Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 14-18 Nov 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski, D. Klaehn, C. Becker, J. Rueffer, B. Huck, A. Rietdorf, C. Daub, Y. Beniguel, R. Favre (2005): First experience in operationally monitoring and assessing the space weather impact on GNSS-based positioning. in: Ionospheric Effects, Proc. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 14-18 Nov 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Nebdi, H., R. Warnant, J.C. Jodogne (2005): Contribution of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium to the ESA space weather pilot project. Pres. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 14-18 Nov 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, V. Wilken, D. Klaehn (2005): On the definition and experimental use of ionospheric indices to evaluate space weather effects on GNSS positioning. Proc. URSI General Assembly, 24-29 Oct 2005, New Delhi, India, ABS No. URSI05-COM7-01399. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, C. Mayer, C. Becker, S. Schlueter (2005): SWACI – ein neuen Ionosphaeren-Wetterdienst. Proc. Zweiter Nationaler Workshop zum Weltraumwetter, 26-27 Sep 2005, Neustrelitz, Germany. Paper No.19. (download)
Stankov, S., P. Marinov, I. Kutiev (2005): Comparison of NeQuick, PIM, and TISH/TH model results. in: New satellite and ground data for IRI and comparison with regional models (Proc. URSI / International Reference Ionosphere Workshop, 27 Jun – 1 Jul 2005, Ebre, Spain), ABS No. IRI05-C3-44. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, J. Rueffer, B. Huck, A. Rietdorf (2005): Ionospheric impact on the performance of GNSS reference networks. in: Proc. European Navigation Conference ENC-GNSS2005, 19-22 Jul 2005, Munich, Germany, Paper No. GNSS2005-527a. (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski, V. Wilken, K. Tsybulya (2005): Generation and propagation of ionospheric disturbances studied by ground and space based GPS techniques. Proc. Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES), 3-5 May 2005, Alexandria VA USA, Paper No. A064/9B2, pp.807-814. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, V. Wilken, K. Tsybulya, S. Heise (2005): Ionospheric storms monitored by ground and space based GPS techniques. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.7 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 24-29 Apr 2005, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU05-A-06357. (download)
Belehaki, A., I. Tsagouri, P. Marinov, I. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, S. Stankov (2005): A comparative study of the topside scale height behavior determined by topside sounders empirical model and space-based experimental techniques. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.7 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 24-29 Apr 2005, Vienna, Austria), ABS No. EGU05-A-04733. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, C. Becker, J. Rueffer, B. Huck, A. Rietdorf, C. Daub, G. Weber, M. Meier (2005): Operational space weather service for regional GNSS based applications. Proc. US Space Weather Week USSWW-2005, 5-8 Apr 2005, Boulder, CO, USA. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, S. Schlueter, T. Noack, Y. Beniguel, J. Rueffer, A. Rietdorf, B. Huck, C. Daub (2004): Adverse space weather effects on precise positioning – case studies. in: Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, ESA-WPP239, pp.758-765, Proc. Second ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies NAVITEC-2004, 8-10 Dec 2004, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski (2004): GPS-based monitoring of the European and Polar ionosphere. in: Ionosphere - Positioning and Telecommunication, European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 29 Nov - 03 Dec 2004, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, C. Becker, J. Rueffer, C. Daub (2004): On the operational space weather service for GNSS precise positioning. in: Ionosphere - Positioning and Telecommunication, European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 29 Nov - 03 Dec 2004, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Warnant, R., M. Bavier, S. Lejeune, E. Pottiaux, B. Andonov, I. Kutiev, A. Barre, H. Nebdi, J. Rasson, R. Van Der Linden (2004): Development of space weather related services for real-time GPS applications in the frame of the SIDC space weather pilot project. Pres. European Space Weather Week (ESWW), 29 Nov - 03 Dec 2004, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Warnant, R., H. Nebdi, I. Kutiev, B. Andonov, S. Lejeune, J. Rasson (2004): Forecasting the occurrence of degraded positioning conditions for real time precise GPS applications. Pres. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004, 18-22 Oct 2004, Trieste, Italy. (download)
Andonov, B., I. Kutiev, R. Warnant, H. Nebdi, J. Rasson (2004): Forecasting the Dourbes K index by using solar wind parameters. Pres. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004, 18-22 Oct 2004, Trieste, Italy. (download)
Warnant, R., S. Lejeune, E. Pottiaux, H. Nebdi, A. Barre, M. Bavier (2004): The SIDC Space Weather Pilot Project - Development of space weather related services for real-time GPS applications. Pres. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004, 18-22 Oct 2004, Trieste, Italy. (download)
Jakowski, N., K. Tsybulya, S. Stankov, V. Wilken, S. Heise, A. Wehrenpfennig (2004): Ionospheric radio occultation measurements onboard CHAMP. Proc. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004, 18-22 Oct 2004, Trieste, Italy. (download)
Beniguel, Y., J.P. Adam, N. Jakowski, T. Noack, S. Schlueter, S. Stankov (2004): Analysis of signal scintillations for the Scandinavian and equatorial regions. Pres. International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2004, 18-22 Oct 2004, Trieste, Italy. (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski (2004): Topside plasma scale height retrieved from radio occultation measurements. in: Advances in Specifying Plasma Temperatures and Ion Composition in the Ionosphere (COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18-25 Jul 2004, Paris, France), ABS No. COSPAR04-A-01214. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Heise, S. Stankov, K. Tsybulya (2004): Remote sensing of the ionosphere by space-based GNSS observations. in: Advances in Remote Sensing of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere from Ground and from Space (COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18-25 Jul 2004, Paris, France), ABS No. COSPAR04-A-01213. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, S. Schlueter, D. Klaehn (2004): On developing a new ionospheric perturbation index for space weather operations. in: Standards in Space Environments for ISO (COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 18-25 Jul 2004, Paris, France), ABS No. COSPAR04-A-01173. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Heise, A. Wehrenpfennig, K. Tsybulya, S. Stankov, V. Wilken, C. Reigber, H. Luehr (2004): Ionospheric sounding by means of GPS measurements onboard CHAMP. Proc. Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, 5-8 Jul 2004, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, Y. Beniguel, J. Rueffer (2004): Operational service for monitoring and evaluating the space weather impact on precise positioning. in: Proc. European Navigation Conference ENC-GNSS2004, 17-19 May 2004, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Paper No. GNSS2004-119. (download)
Jakowski, N., V. Wilken, S. Schlueter, S. Stankov, S. Heise (2004): Ionospheric space weather effects monitored by simultaneous ground and space based GNSS signals. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.6 (Proc. EGU General Assembly, 25-30 Apr 2004, Nice, France), ABS No. EGU04-A-05105. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, Y. Beniguel, J. Rueffer (2003): Current developments in SWIPPA - Space Weather Impact on Precise Positioning Applications of GNSS. in: Developing a European Space Weather Service Network (Proc. European Space Agency Workshop on Space Weather, 3-5 Nov 2003, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Cugnon, P., R. Van der Linden, D. Berghmans, P. Vanlommel, E. Robbrecht, F. Clette, A. Zhukov, L. Wauters, R. Warnant, C. Bruyninx, H. Nebdi, J.C. Jodogne, D. Heynderickx, K. Stegen, M. Kruglanski, M. Roth, J. de Keyser, J.P. Henry (2003): The Solar Influences Data Centre: A Partnership for Space Weather. in: Developing a European Space Weather Service Network (Proc. European Space Agency Workshop on Space Weather, 3-5 Nov 2003, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Heise, S. Stankov, K. Tsybulya (2003): Ionospheric imaging by GPS measurements on CHAMP. in: Atmospheric Remote Sensing Using Satellite Navigation Systems – (W1) Imaging and Data Assimilation (Proc. Special Symposium of the URSI Joint Working Group FG, 13-15 Oct 2003, Matera, Italy). (download)
Jodogne, J.C., H. Nebdi, R. Warnant (2003): Comparison of the TEC computed from the NeQuick ionospheric model, the TEC deduced from GPS measurements and the TEC estimated automatically from the Digisonde data. Proc. URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung, 29 Sep - 2 Oct 2003, Miltenberg, Germany, p.42. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Heise, K. Tsybulya, S. Stankov, A. Wehrenpfennig (2003): Capabilities of ionosphere sounding by using GPS measurements onboard CHAMP. Proc. URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung, 29 Sep - 2 Oct 2003, Miltenberg, Germany, Paper No. KH2003-A-00053, p.36. (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski (2003): Modelling the topside plasma scale height based on CHAMP measurements: first results. in: Recent developments in ionosphere GPS radio occultation sounding and scientific objectives related to CHAMP data use (Session AI1, Proc. CHAMP Science Meeting, 1-4 Sep 2003, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany), p.4. (download)
Jakowski, N., K. Tsybulya, S. Stankov, A. Wehrenpfennig (2003): About the potential of GPS radio occultation measurements for exploring the ionosphere. in: Recent developments in ionosphere GPS radio occultation sounding and scientific objectives related to CHAMP data use (Session AI1, Proc. CHAMP Science Meeting, 1-4 Sep 2003, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany), p.3. (download)
Jakowski, N., A. Wehrenpfennig, S. Schlueter, S. Heise, S. Stankov (2003): Sounding the ionosphere by ground and space based GPS measurements. in: Application of GPS techniques in the Atmosphere (Proc. IUGG General Assembly, 1-11 Jul 2003, Sapporo, Japan), Paper No. JSM07/03A/B23-001, p.A74. (download)
Jakowski, N., A. Wehrenpfennig, S. Heise, S. Stankov (2003): Space weather effects in the ionosphere deduced from ground and space based GNSS measurements. Pres. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Effects of Space Weather on Technology Infrastructure (ESPRIT), 25-29 March 2003, Rhodes, Greece, Book of Abstracts, p.37. (download)
Warnant, R., L. Morel, S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne, H. Nebdi, N. Jakowski (2003): The use of DORIS as a tool to study the Earth ionosphere. Pres. IDS Analysis Workshop, 20-21 Feb 2003, Institut Geographique National de France, Marne la Vallee, France, 21 pages. (download)
Jakowski, N., S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, J. Rueffer (2002): SWIPPA - Space Weather Impact on Precise Positioning Appplications of GNSS. in: Space Weather Applications Pilot Project (Proc. ESA Space Weather Workshop, 16-18 Dec 2002, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands). (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski, A. Wehrenpfennig, R. Warnant (2002): Index of local response to geomagnetic activity for use in the short-term ionospheric forecast. in: COST 271 Products for ITU-R and other radio communication applications (Proc. EU COST-271 workshop, 1-5 Oct 2002, Faro, Portugal). (download)
Stankov, S., N. Jakowski, S. Heise, A. Wehrenpfennig (2002): Upper electron density distribution deduced from low-earth-orbiting satellite measurements of TEC. in: COST 271 Products for ITU-R and other radio communication applications (Proc. EU COST-271 workshop, 1-5 Oct 2002, Faro, Portugal). (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, J.C. Jodogne (2002): Improved operational model for real-time reconstruction of the electron density profile at a single ionosonde location. in: COST 271 Products for ITU-R and other radio communication applications (Proc. EU COST-271 workshop, 1-5 Oct 2002, Faro, Portugal). (download)
Warnant, R., S. Stankov, J.C. Jodogne, H. Nebdi (2002): The monitoring of the ionospheric acivity using GPS measurements. in: COST 271 Products for ITU-R and other radio communication applications (Proc. EU COST-271 workshop, 1-5 Oct 2002, Faro, Portugal). (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, J.C. Jodogne (2002): Operational model for real-time reconstruction of the electron density profile using GPS TEC measurements. Proc. URSI XXVII General Assembly, 17-24 Aug 2002, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Paper No. URSI-1571. (download)
Jodogne, J.C., S. Stankov (2002): Estimation of ionospheric profilers as reconstruction tools. Proc. URSI XXVII General Assembly, 17-24 Aug 2002, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Paper No. URSI-1106. (download)
Nebdi, H., J.C. Jodogne, J.J. Delcourt (2002): Qualitative study of the seasonal behaviour of the ionosphere’s D region from 3 years of VLF-LF signals monitoring. Proc. URSI XXVII General Assembly, 17-24 Aug 2002, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Paper No. URSI-498. (download)
Stankov, S., R. Warnant, J.C. Jodogne (2002): A real-time operational procedure for GPS TEC - based reconstruction of the electron profile at a single ionosonde location. Geophysical Research Abstracts, (ISSN 1029-7006), vol.4 (Proc. EGS XXVII General Assembly, 21-26 Apr 2002, Nice, France), ABS No. EGS02-A-05554. (download)
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Stankov, S., I.S. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, A. Wehrenpfennig (2001): A new method for Total Electron Content forecasting using Global Positioning System measurements. in: Looking Towards a European Space Weather Programme (Proc. ESA Space Weather Workshop, 17-19 Dec 2001, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands), pp.169-172. (download)
Stankov, S., I.S. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, S. Heise (2001): Two-slope electron density profiles based on GPS TEC, O+/H+ transition height and ionosonde data. in: Ionospheric Modelling and Variability Studies for Telecommunication Applications (Proc. EU COST-271 workshop, 25-27 Sep 2001, Sopron, Hungary). (download)
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Stankov, S. (1996): An empirical model of the O+-He+ transition level. in: Quantitative Description of Ionospheric Storm Effects and Irregularities (Pres. COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-21 Jul 1996, Birmingham, UK), ABS No. COSPAR96-C4.2-0038.
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Bradley, P., M. Dick, T. Samardjiev, S. Stankov (1994): KIMS - A new method of instantaneous mapping using screen-point values in remote areas. in: P.A. Bradley and B.A. De La Morena (Eds.) 1995, Development and Testing of an Electron Density Height Profile Model for PRIME (Proc. EU COST-238 PRIME workshop, 5-6 Sep 1994, El Arenosillo, Huelva, Spain), pp.133-136. (download)
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Kutiev, I., S. Stankov (1994): Satellite data base for map testing. in: Numerical mapping and modelling and their applications to PRIME (Proc. EU COST-238 PRIME workshop, 16-18 May 1994, Eindhoven, The Netherlands), pp.197-199. (download)
Bradley, P.A., L.R. Cander, M.I. Dick, J.C. Jodogne, S.S. Kouris, R. Leitinger, W. Singer, T.D. Xenos, B. Zolesi (1994): The December 1993 NEW mapping meeting. in: Numerical mapping and modelling and their applications to PRIME (Proc. COST 238 Workshop, 16-18 May 1994, Eindhoven, The Netherlands), pp.169-179. (download)
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